FAO Schwarz Fellowship

The FAO Schwarz Fellowship in social impact provides graduating seniors interested in careers in social change opportunities to develop their leadership potential and professional skills. Fellowship positions are paid, two-year experiences working at leading nonprofit organizations in Boston, New York City, and Philadelphia both in direct service roles and in leading key program initiatives. In addition to salary and benefits, Fellowships include professional development, retreats, mentoring, and cohort experiences. Six or seven new Fellowship positions are typically available each year.

Host organizations are announced in early fall. Applications for the next cohort open November 1, 2024 and are due February 1, 2025. The Fellowship offers info sessions online throughout the year for interested candidates at faoschwarzfellowship.org.

Year at Time of Application: 
Senior or Beyond
Duration of Award: 
Full Year or More
No Preference
Direct Submission
Area of Interest: 
Agricultural Sciences, Architecture, Business, Communications and Journalism, Education, Engineering, Environmental and Geosciences, Humanities, Information Technology and Computer Science, International Relations Political Science and Law, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Music, Nursing and Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Statistics, Visual and Performing Arts
Earliest Application Deadline: 
Jan. – April
Penn-State Sponsored: 