Udall Native American Congressional Internship


The Native American Congressional Internship Program provides American Indian and Alaska Native students with the opportunity to gain practical experience with the federal legislative process in order to understand first-hand the government-to-government relationship between Tribes and the federal government. Students whose plan of study will include some coursework in tribal public policy, Native American or American Indian studies, or Indian law are encouraged to apply. The internship is funded by the Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy.

Even as Native nations achieve greater levels of self-determination, Indian Country continues to be influenced by U.S. federal law and policy. The Udall Internship places students in Senate, House, and federal agency offices to learn firsthand how the U.S. government works with Native nations. Interns will gain a better understanding of the government to government relationship and how they can use this knowledge on behalf of their tribes.


  • Junior, senior or recent alumnus/a
  • GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Commitment to a career related to tribal public policy or supporting tribal communities
  • Knowledge and skills applicable to a federal agency or congressional office

Application Materials:

  • A completed application
  • Short essays
  • Essay (800 words) summarizing a legislative act or public policy statement by Morris K. Udall or Stewart L. Udall and analyzing its impact on your interests and goals
  • Copy of tribal enrollment card or tribal verification documents if relevant (guidance here)
  • Proof of U.S. permanent residency (citizens of First Nations, only)
  • Three letters of recommendation describing your potential for making a difference in your tribal communities or regarding issues affecting Indian country, leadership, academic and professional achievements (guidance here)
  • Curriculum vitae or resume (two pages)
  • Transcripts

Application Procedure:

            National Application Deadline - January 24, 2024

Applications can be downloaded from the Udall website. Completed applications, including letters of recommendation, must be emailed to Jason Curley, Education Program Manager (curley@udall.gov) or mailed directly to the Udall Foundation.

Year at Time of Application: 
Grad Student, Junior, Recent Alum, Senior or Beyond
Duration of Award: 
Underrepresented Ethnicity
Direct Submission
Area of Interest: 
International Relations Political Science and Law
Earliest Application Deadline: 
Jan. – April
Penn-State Sponsored: 