Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE)

Penn State Schuylkill is part of this international effort to perform environmental monitoring and to help maintain data for our region. In this project, participants will be trained to record data at a site (which can be set up throughout the state so it is more accessible for students and can be in coordination with local groups).  The data is then provided to the mentor for a check before being uploaded to the database system. Some measurements are recorded daily while others using basic equipment can be performed on a yearly/semiannual basis. Even though we are based in Schuylkill County, many measurements can be taken anywhere with minimal training and for specialized projects, we can (in most cases within the state of Pennsylvania) make arrangements to perform the testing  at the alternative sites. 

Work Setting(s): 
Hybrid, On campus, Remote
Environmental and Geosciences, Life Sciences
Description of responsibilities and minimum qualifications: 

A Canvas course with required readings, as well as directions are provided. Initial training is safety training through Penn State. Additionally, methods can be taught over Zoom so that the student can prepare their space and experiment at home. Students will record measurements of their environment and upload to a database. Multiple types of measurements and information recording can be performed to give students some flexibility, while also allowing for expansion of the project. During summer, mosquito observations can be made. During the spring, phenology observations of common plants are more common. Weather patterns can be regular protocols throughout the year.

Minimum Qualifications: 

Students must be enrolled at Penn State. Students from any major can apply, as long as they have an interest in Environmental Science. All background and techniques will be taught. 

Available Term(s): 
Academic Year, Fall, On-going, Spring, Summer
Position Type(s): 
Credit, Volunteer
Number of positions available: 
Requested Materials: 

Students should submit what their interest is in the project and what they hope to gain from the experience. This can be included in the email.

Application Instructions: 

If you are interested in the position, please email the Principal Investigator, Mary Ann Smith, at