The HTI Lab is seeking undergraduate research assistants to assist with studies related to understanding the interaction between human-system interactions in transportation and healthcare domains. Research topics include understanding the impact of automation technology on humans' decision-making, trust, situation awareness, and adaptive behaviors. We conduct research via behavioral studies with simulators, self-report questionnaires, and physiological measurements. Current projects are listed as follows.
Drivers-AV interaction behavior with a focus on AV interface and driving style designs: Driving simulator experiments.
Teen driver behaviors in ADAS systems: Driving simulator experiments.
Nurses' situation awareness and alarm fatigue in ICUs: Cognitive interviews and survey study.
Gaming cognition and performance in Esports: Web-based experiments and survey study.
Modeling driver performance and decision-making in CAVs: Machine learning models.
To learn more about the CAT Lab, check out our website:
Students will be expected to commit 9-10 hours/week. The minimum time commitment is one semester. Potential responsibilities include:
- Assisting with designing driving scenarios
- Assisting with data collection of driving behavior and performance, eye-tracking, questionnaires
- Data coding
- Processing of physiological data
- Recruitment
- Commit a minimum of 9 hours a week of work
- Attend weekly lab meetings
- Preference will be given to students who could commit to two consecutive semesters
For interested students, please send (1) your CV and (2) a statement explaining your interests and strengths for this project to Dr. Yiqi Zhang at Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the positions are filled.