Qualitative research on high school athletes' experiences

This project is examining how high school athletes think about sport and the factors that contribute to their liking and/or disliking different types of sports. 

Most prior youth sport research has focused on differentiating “team” from “individual” sports rather than investigating specific characteristics of the activity environments. Such differentiation is important because the “goodness of fit” between youth and their contexts is a key contributor to positive youth development. This study uses qualitative data to try to understand the world from the perspective of the participants, seeking to understand what it is about different sports or sport contexts that contributes to enjoyment and positive outcomes. 

University Park
Work Setting(s): 
Hybrid, On campus, Remote
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Description of responsibilities and minimum qualifications: 

I am seeking undergraduate research assistants to:

  • Check the accuracy of Zoom recording transcripts of interviews, and
  • Help code qualitative data (reading transcripts from interviews and categorizing the types of topics discussed).

Students will be trained and supervised / supported by Dr. Jen Agans in the department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management. All students will be expected to attend regular project meetings (to be scheduled according to team availability) in addition to working a set number of weekly hours (to be determined on an individual basis).

Minimum Qualifications: 

To be successful in this work, students should have good time-management and professional communication skills (e.g., completing tasks on time, checking email regularly, asking for help when necessary), be detail oriented, and genuinely interested in understanding youth sport. No prior qualitative analysis experience necessary. 

Class standing of sophomore or higher and GPA of at least 3.0 preferred.

Other Requirements: 

Students must commit to working for a full semester.

Available Term(s): 
Position Type(s): 
Credit, Volunteer
Number of positions available: 
Requested Materials: 

Please submit a resume, unofficial transcript, and answers to application questions below:

  • Are you interested in being a research assistant for credit or as a volunteer? If credit, how many units of credit are you seeking? (1 unit = approx. 3 hours per week)
  • Do you have any prior experience with research? If yes, please describe.
  • What interests you about the study of youth sport? That is, why would you like to join this project?
  • If not discussed above, were you a high school athlete? If yes, what sports?
  • How do you see this work aligning with your professional goals?


Application Instructions: 

Please email your materials (see below) to Dr. Agans at jxa912@psu.edu